Art Fair Kraków


Opening Hours
at the Palace of Art

Plac Szczepański 4

5.07 Friday

11:00 - 19:00

6.07 Saturday

11:00 - 19:00

7.07 Sunday

11:00 - 18:00

Accompanying Events

5.07 Friday

Starting point:
Grzegórzecka Street 31 (Widna Gallery)


Robert Domżalski


Julita Deluga


Valeryia Kaliaha

Starting point:
Krakowska 13 (UFO Art Gallery)

Gallery Tour

Gallery Tour proves that July is not a holiday time for Krakow – the gallery scene doesn’t take a break even at the start of summer.

As part of the Gallery Tour, guests of Art Fair Krakow will embark on a walk through selected galleries in Krakow, including those with booths at the Palace of Art. Artists and curators will discuss their exhibitions. The tour takes place regardless of the weather.

Galeria Widna, ul. Grzegórzecka 31

Kinga Nowak
Curator: Agnieszka Jankowska Marzec

Van Rij Gallery, ul. Morsztynowska 1

Magdalena Zych
“The Meeting”
Curator: Jakub Pojda

Dystans, Plac Wszystkich Świętych 8

Marlena Szewczyk
“Okrywa nas puch”
Curator: Adriana Mazur

Galeria ASP, ul. Basztowa 18

Wojciech Bąkowski, Karolina Jabłońska, Szymon Kobylarz, Mateusz Lipiński, Kateryna Lysovenko, Krzysztof Mętel, Małgorzata Mirga-Tas, Štefan Papčo, Mateusz Sarzyński, Łukasz Skąpski, Kuba Stępień, Krzysztof Wodiczko

Exhibition: “KEEP MOVING”
Curator: Filip Rybkowski

Olympia, ul. Szlak 13

Exhibition: “Władysław Markowski. Malarstwo”
Curator: Olimpia Maciejewska

Art Agenda Nova, ul. Batorego 2

Helena Parys
Exhibition: “Dummy”
Curator: Karolina Krasny

Galeria Piana, ul. Długa 15

Yasmin Nebenführ
Exhibition: “Listen Like Thieves”
Curators: Agnieszka Pindera and Daniel Muzyczuk
ShowOFF | Miesiąc Fotografii 2024






Robert Domżalski


Julita Deluga


Valeryia Kaliaha

UFO Art Gallery, Krakowska Street 13

Radim Koros
“You Are Not Alone”
curator: Stach Szabłowski
Dom Norymberski, Skałeczna Street 2

Teresa Bujnowska, Jerzy Kałucki, Gisela Hoffmann, Reinhard Wöllmer, Olga Ząbroń
“around / along / beyond / inside”

curator: Olga Ząbroń
Jak Zapomnieć Gallery, Bonifraterska Street 3/1

Konrad Krzyżanowski
“Mirror Me Your Memories”
curator: Martyna Nowicka
Cricoteka, ul. Nadwiślańska 2/4

curators: Jerzy Hanusek, Kamil Kuitkowski, Natalia Zarzecka 

“Pain Game (second station)” Cloakroom 2024
Mariia Lemperk, Łukasz Trzciński, D. Kowalik
curator: Kamil Kuitkowski
Galeria Starmach, Węgierska Street 5

Magdalena Abakanowicz
“Magdalena Abakanowicz. Textiles, works on paper and sculpture”
curator: Andrzej Szczepaniak

Series of Panel Discussions

6.07 Saturday

Bunkier Sztuki

12:00 - 16:00

Perception of Polish Art from a Foreign Perspective

Moderator: Dr. Agnieszka Jankowska-Marzec
Panelists: Piotr Sikora

Discussion on the opportunities for Polish artists to make an international career, the influence of educational or economic factors on their global presence, and the roles of the state and private sector in this context.

Building Value, Sealing the Deal: Criticism as a Co-shaping Force in the Art Field

Moderator: Anna Theiss
Panelists: Karolina Plinta, Alek Hudzik

Exploration of how critics create value and significance for artworks in the post-digital era and the changing role of criticism in establishing the worth of art.


Dominance, Narrative Axis, Filling. Art Framed in Architectural Contexts

Moderator: Anna Theiss
Panelists: Agnieszka Szultk, Bartosz Haduch

Discussion on the dialogue between art and architecture, and how contemporary architectural practices integrate and enhance the experience of art.


Guided Tour

6.07 Saturday

Bunkier Sztuki


Exhibition: “Give Me Everything”

Featuring artworks donated by Teresa and Andrzej Starmach.

Artists: Magdalena Abakanowicz, Mirosław Bałka, Tomasz Ciecierski, Marek Chlanda, Marta Deskur, Stanisław Dróżdż, Władysław Hasior, Piotr Jaros, Julian Jończyk, Tadeusz Kantor, Edward Krasiński, Andrzej Lachowicz, Piotr Lutyński, Marzena Nowak, Jerzy Nowosielski, Marek Piasecki, Przemysław Pokrycki, Robert Rumas, Jadwiga Sawicka, Mikołaj Smoczyński, Jacek Maria Stokłosa, Grzegorz Sztwiertnia, Jan Tarasin, Andrzej Wełmiński, Krzysztof Zieliński.


Guided Tours

7.07 Sunday

Starting Point:
Zwierzyniecka street 4


Robert Domżalski

KMWTW x visiting artists’ studios and creative spaces

KMWTW – Estera Gałuszka, Monika Bielenis, Mateusz Świderski, Wojtek Radomski, Wojtek Szustak, Karina Gorzkowska
magic lab: Stef Szkutnik and Marek Broszkiewicz
Studio – Monika Dłuska and Krystyna Kolowca
Studio – Unknown Polish Artist (Klaudia Opoka)
Studio – Daniel Witnicki
Studio – Grzegorz Bugaj
Studio – Katarzyna Wyszkowska
Studio – Zuzanna Dec
Studio – Maria Gulczyńska
Studio – Julia Kuźniar
Studio – Alicja Skolicka
Studio – Yana Maroz

7.07 Sunday

Starting Point:
Kopernika Street 17

13:00 - 15:00

Piotr Franaszek / curatorial tour


The Open City Festival of Art in Public Space is the oldest regularly held art festival in urban space in Poland. For 16 years, the Lublin Center for Intercultural Creative Initiatives

ROZDROŻA has been inviting the best curators and artists
and presenting outstanding works of art. The exhibition of artistic installations located in the former University Hospital at Wesoła Street is a presentation of selected works from the Open City festival collection. They are complemented by works by Krakow artists, which, at the request of the curator, Piotr Franaszek, were included in the author’s narrative and substantive context..


7.07 Sunday

Starting point:
Curie-Skłodowskiej Street 11/14


Robert Domżalski


Art Fair Krakow guests are provided with an overview of independent spaces, artist-run spaces and ephemeral initiatives that are an important component of artistic life in Krakow. Off Space Tour will take the form of a tour.

We encourage you to register to the event as soon as possible, as spaces are limited. Registration emali:


Cuire-Skłodowskiej Street 11/14
Kinga Burek, Ewa Ciepielewska, Magdalena Kościsz
“Selene unleashed”
curator: Robert Domżalski

Szaber Gallery, Wrocławska Street 56
Julia Woronowicz
“Cosmogony questionable”
curator: Jakub Kosecki


Art Industry Standard Gallery, Wrocławska Street 56
Gabriela Marciniak
“Early retirement”
ShowOFF | Month of Photography 2024
curator: Elisa Medde


Queer Opening in the nativity scene maker’s workshop
Filip Fotomajczyk, street Saint Teresa 16

Aleksander Dul (he/his), Aleksander Włodek (he/his)& Maks Stępniowski (it/his), Aleksander Steblik (he/his), Amelia Jawień (she/her), Anna Dominik (Anie) (he/his), Anna Kucharska (she/her), Anna Nowakowska (she/her), Anna Solecka (she/her) & Oska Żuk (they/them), Bartosz Doniec (he/his), Daniel Soons (he/his), Dżule (they/them), Filip Fotomajczyk, Franciszek Szpila (he/his), Gleb Kovalski (he/she), Jan Warlikowski (he/his), Julek (he/his), Kamila
Milewska (she/her) & Adam Koper ( Kaja Milewska (she/him), Karina Gorzkowska (she/her), Konrad Konstancja Sobieraj (he/his), Laurenty Matuszczak/Lu (he/his) & Adam Korzeniowski (he/his), Maks Stępniowski (it/his), Martyna Śmiłowska (she/her)& Wiktoria Kosiek (she/her), Maru Drobczyk (she/they), Matúš Pius Niemiec (he/his), Michał Butryn (he/his), Natan Tokarczyk (he/his, he/ they), Ola August (she/her), Olga Oldż Porczyńska (she/her), Oliwia Małuch (she/her), Ora (she/her/he/him/they/them), pal.kiepa (he/she/it), Paweł Grzyb (he/she), Piotr Lewandowski (he/her), Sabina Perykasza (all pronouns), Stanisław Łuczak (he/his), Suri Stawicka, Tuliusz Kierznowski (he/they), Wanda Niedźwiedź (she/her), Żak Goresz (he/his) “Healing Queer”

Villa Fatale, Bronisławy Street 23a
Bogumił Książek, Szymon Kobylarz, Justyna Smoleń, Radek Szlęzak 
“Artists from Villa Fatale”
curator: Bogumił Książek
ROOTER – Artist run space / studio, Bronisławy Street 23a/10
Justyna Smoleń and Radek Szlęzak,
Natalia Legutko 

Drożdżownia Workshop, Drożdżowa Street 7
Piotr Lutyński, Adam Rzepecki, Jerzy Wroński,
Łukasz Pawlikowski, Ryszard Krynicki
“Starry sky”
curator: Jan Trzupek


C U SADKA, Sadka Street 12
“Folie a deux”
Maria Loboda i Tomek Baran